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A member registered Jun 01, 2020

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Buy from the Witch in the Swamp at daytime

What version are you using? if 0.30, your old saves from 0.28 and lower cannot be used.

What did you do to get the green gems for the nightmare creature?

If you talked to Roushk/Othra, then you should “Give back” the one remaining green gem that was not taken by the nightmare creature.

I didn’t take the other route (where you steal the gems), so I don’t know yet how it impacts this part.

At least 14 strength, 10 perception

Have you already made the choice to "Keep the existence of the lake a secret" or "Tell the others about the lake" in the ruins with Othra?

IIRC, it's Logan who'll tell you where the bandits' camp is, after they attack Bareshade.

If you're using the public version (0.28), there is no bg sound yet. For the Patreon version (0.30), there's now bg music in some areas.

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How to explore the cavesA source of light is needed. For now there's only one way to obtain it. You need five glowshrooms
- They can be found in Northcrest Cave - only once
- There's a chance to find them when entering Lake of Purification area
With five in your inventory go talk with Priestess or Witch (Day) to obtain an amulet. When it's equipped the underground can be explored.

Or craft a torch at home, requires wood, cloth and red pulp.


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You might be under-leveled, but you can use potions and cookies to boost your stats during the fight. Bring plenty of healing and restraint potions, too. Use lust potion if you're so inclined. The strong variant potions are better. Good luck.

WIP = Work in Progress

Not implemented yet

What happens when you walk around town buck naked?

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Use 5 Reptile Lures during the fight for a guaranteed capture, once you win, you'll be able to take him to your dungeon prison (automatically, there'll be text saying as much on the screen).

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Do you get the "Go underground (Corrupted Lake)" option in Forgotten Temple? That's where you'll find Roushk.

Nope, not a joke.

You need to finish the lost acolytes quest and trigger the "Forgotten Temple" by either talking to Othra, or if I'm not mistaken the swamp witch.

Talk to Roushk/Othra

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Free Vicoria's second prisoner, he'll tell you the directions

Fight wererats, get 10 tufts of hair, then ask Rose (tailor) to make something from them.

There's no "raptor" lures, specifically. You use the reptilian lures, since the raptor is a reptile. You need 5 for a sure catch - but you do need to win the fight first. Use potions if you are having a hard time.

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Try some self-loving at home or capture a wererat and play with it in your prison....

 You need some libido for self pleasure.

I think you have all the requirements set. When you "Look for resources" on the Forest Path, the chance of finding aconitum is about 20 to 30%. Just keep looking for resources and eventually, you'll find it.